Privacy policy

Basic information about Data Protection

Party responsible Edurne Pasaban, S.L. (NIF: B20968525)
Purposes To offer our services and provide contact tools between the company and interested and related parties, and to respond to requests and enquiries.
To inform, organise and disseminate Edurne Pasaban’s activities.
To send informative and commercial communications related to our services.
Legitimisation The need for data processing for the management of our services (‘contractual relationship’ according to GDPR art. 6.1.b)
Express consent of the user (GDPR art. 6.1.a)
Legitimate interest of the company (GDPR art. 6.1.f)
Recipients No data will be passed on to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so
Rights You can request the exercise of your rights regarding the protection of your personal data at Paseo San Francisco, 22 – 20400 Tolosa (Gipuzkoa), e-mail


In compliance with Personal Data Protection Regulations, users are hereby informed that the personal data they provide by e-mail, sent via web forms or by any other means located on this website will be incorporated into the processing systems of Edurne Pasaban, S.L. (Data Controller), for the purpose of dealing with the queries and requests received, contacting users, managing the services requested, commercial relations and the legitimate functions inherent to its activity, as well as for sending newsletters and bulletins to which you may have subscribed and for sending future commercial communications that may be of interest to you.

Your data may be retained indefinitely for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy unless you indicate otherwise.

The legal bases for the data processing described are, in accordance with data protection regulations, the need to process your data for the performance of requested services, compliance with legal obligations, the legitimate interest of the Data Controller (e.g. for sending commercial communications) and/or the consent given by the data subject.

The treatment of your personal data will be carried out in a confidential manner. Edurne Pasaban, S.L. is committed to the privacy and protection of users’ personal data and uses all the resources at its disposal to ensure the security and privacy of data subjects.

Collection of personal data

Edurne Pasaban, S.L. does not require the user to provide personal data to access the website. However, there are contact forms in which the user may provide personal data. The user provides his/her personal data freely and voluntarily. Edurne Pasaban, S.L. does not request more personal information than is necessary to receive the requested service.

The user who includes any type of content on this website (data, texts, videos, sound, photographs, graphics, messages or other material) undertakes and guarantees to do so in a way that complies with the conditions expressed herein.

The user who includes personal data of third parties declares that he/she has obtained their consent and permission for the publication of such data.

The user is solely responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data included, exonerating Edurne Pasaban, S.L. from any responsibility in this respect. Users guarantee and are responsible for, in any case, the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated.

The sending of information through this website necessarily implies the express acceptance of this privacy policy and the general conditions of the website.

Rights of interested parties

You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, portability and opposition, as well as withdraw your consent or make any other request on this matter by writing to the Data Controller, Edurne Pasaban, S.L., at Paseo San Francisco, 22, 20400 Tolosa (Gipuzkoa) or by sending an e-mail to The request must be accompanied by a copy of a document proving the identity of the applicant.

If the request is made as a legal representative, in addition to the copy of the document proving the applicant’s identity a document proving such legal representation must be attached.

The supervisory authority you can contact in case of disagreement with the resolution of the requests or to file a complaint is the Spanish Data Protection Agency (

Security measures

Edurne Pasaban, S.L. will treat the personal data contained in its processing systems adopting the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee their security and avoid their alteration, loss, unauthorized processing or access, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether from human action or from the physical or natural environment, in accordance with the current legislation applicable to the protection of personal data. However, the users are informed that the computer security measures are not impregnable and are not safe from possible illegal and undue intromissions, which would not be the responsibility of Edurne Pasaban, S.L.

Traffic Data

In order to provide a better service through this website the user’s IP address may be recorded, thus allowing the subsequent processing of the data in order to analyse, amongst other things, the number of pages visited, the number of visits, as well as the activity of visitors/users of this website and their frequency of use.

For the aforementioned purpose, this site may be measured and analysed with Google Analytics and/or similar tools, which may use tags on pages and cookies in order to analyse what happens on the different pages of the website of Edurne Pasaban, S.L.


Edurne Pasaban, S.L. reserves the right to modify its privacy policy according to its criteria, legislative or jurisprudential changes. Should Edurne Pasaban, S.L. introduce any modification, the new text will be published on this website, where the user will be informed of it. In any case, the relationship with the users will be governed by the regulations in force at the precise moment when the website is accessed. For this reason, Edurne Pasaban, S.L. recommends that you visit this privacy policy every time you connect to the web site.


The relations established between Edurne Pasaban, S.L. and the user shall be governed by the provisions of the current regulations regarding applicable legislation and competent jurisdiction. However, for those cases in which the regulations foresee the possibility of the parties submitting to a particular jurisdiction, Edurne Pasaban, S.L. and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Donostia – San Sebastián.

Edurne Pasaban, S.L. will pursue any breach of the above conditions, as well as any improper use of the content presented on its website, by exercising all civil and criminal actions that may correspond to it under the law, including those of an economic nature.